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Kris Barney and Blake Barney Share What It Takes To Be Enough

I_am_enoughAre you Enough? I work with many clients and there is an underlying problem that always rears it’s ugly head. We so often convince ourselves that we are not enough, and choose to believe it! I want to “Share What It Takes To Be Enough”!

My son, Blake has a tremendous story of how he struggled with his self-esteem and his self-worth for many years. I had the opportunity to interview him, and we chat about how the Top 3 Action Steps to Really Value Yourself that I shared with you in the previous episode got him through a time in his life that took him from not wanting to survive and not believing life was worth it, to thriving in all areas of his life! Blake I_amstruggled for many years without our family even knowing about it.

Are you one of those people who are struggling in Silence? Are you pretending that you are fine for everyone and yet deep inside you are hurting so badly that you cannot stand it? This is so common!! I know, because I myself lived that way for YEARS!! Even my twin brother lived this way, and guess what?……he ended up committing suicide! IT DOES NOT WORK! BELIEVE ME, I KNOW!! (See, I told you this was going to be Raw and Real!)

love_yourself_&Life truly can look and feel differently when you choose to do it differently. You can learn to love yourself even when you are not perfect! Guess what I have found out?….No one is perfect! The sooner we can embrace our uniqueness and our differences, the faster we can love who we are and the fabulous gifts we have to offer in this life. You have gifts. You have talents. You have abilities. They are different than mine and mine are different than yours and that is what makes this life so great! You must be willing to find your own special gifts and accept them. You must give yourself permission to be you and you must believe in yourself enough to know you are worth it!!

Blake and I get completely “Raw & Real” in this episode to show you how the “Top 3 Action Steps to Really Value Yourself” can have real impact and value in your life. We talk in great detail on how you too can overcome feeling like you are not enough and that you are not valuable. We go into depth on the three steps that are:

1. Believe in Yourself

Accept yourself

Give Yourself Permission

You too can have the same kind of results that Blake and I have had. Watch our episode today and move your life forward in a remarkable way! Simple Steps on a consistent basis will literally change your entire life! Check it out!

CLICK HERE to watch this week’s Video