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Have you ever thought about what you would do in an emergency if you couldn’t get to the Doctor or a hospital? I have created this two-part series to answer that question and share a few simple things you could do in the event of a natural disaster or any other catastrophic event where getting medical attention was a challenge. Of course, you can use these Energy Healing hacks in conjunction with your regular health care regimen.


In Part One of this series you will learn two Energy Healing Hacks. So, that if you are in the middle of an earthquake, flood, pandemic or the zombie apocalypse (⊙…⊙,) you will have some tools you can use till you can get to the Doctor.


Energy Healing Hack #1- Pranic Sweeping

Pranic Sweeping is a simple yet effective method to speed the body’s natural healing processes. The Sanskrit word prana refers to the natural life forced energy that flows through all of us. In the event of infections or injury we always pick up a large amount of gunk or dirty Prana. Watch this week’s video above: Energy Healing Hacks for Emergencies, to learn how to do this simple process.

Pranic Sweeping is a tool to use for pain, burns, sprains, infections, inflammation, viruses and even after surgery. Whenever a person experiences any of the aforementioned traumas, they will have a lot of dirty prana in their energy field. Move your hands over the affected area in a sweeping motion away from the body. Do this for about 10-15 minutes and you should notice quite a bit of relief. I recommend you watch the video to really understand how to do this process. I’ll also demonstrate in the video how to dispose of all that negative energy you just pulled out of the body.

I have had amazing results by using the Pranic sweeping method to treat several different types of trauma. I had two occasions where I sprained my ankle. There was a lot of pain and it was starting to swell up, I simply sat down and did the sweeping method for about 15 minutes and then got up and went about my day. On both occasions I still had some pain in my ankle after doing a sweeping, but by the next day the I only have a slightly noticeable limp.

Two years ago, I was starting a fire with gasoline. (note to self; Never Ever Use Gasoline to Start A Fire!) As you may have guessed – things did not go as planned. The fire jumped into my soda pop can full of gas and when I dropped it, the gas splashed all the way up my legs. I was wearing flip flops and a swimsuit at the time. I ran to dive in the lake while slapping myself furiously in a hopeless attempt to put out the fire. After I came back up out of the water and after everyone else gained their composure from laughing at me – and after I put on a new pair of swim trunks… I sat down to inspect the damage. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ The melted synthetic-blend swimsuit material had stuck to my skin in places and I had angry red patches of skin that looked like they would blister soon. Yes, this is the actual photo documenting my intellectual prowess!!!

So, I did the Pranic Sweeping process for several minutes and then went about my day. I noticed the pain dropped off significantly and none of the red spots turned to blisters. Within about three days, the marks on my legs were hardly noticeable.

Go ahead and give Pranic sweeping a try. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results.


Energy Healing Hack #2- Colloidal Silver

I keep a few quarts of Colloidal Silver on hand at all times. Although the use of Colloidal Silver is not technically an Energy Healing Modality or Process – it is an awesome form of alternative medicine.

Most people know the saying “Born with a silver spoon”. We mostly understand that saying to mean the child was born rich, but there is a deeper meaning that is a by-product of wealth. Those of greater affluency in centuries gone by would serve their meals with utensils made of pure silver. Since the 17th century the silver spoon symbolizes great fortune and privilege and prosperous individuals would often present them to newborns.

The ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome have known for thousands of years that silver had anti-bacterial properties and used silver to control bodily infections and prevent food spoilage. Early American settlers dropped silver coins into their milk to kill bacteria and to keep it fresh until use.

But, there is a lot more to this old saying, than just being born rich or keeping your milk from spoiling. It was well known that sick babies who sucked on a silver spoon were much healthier than the children of those who were not afluent enough to have ‘silver’-ware.

Let me introduce you to some benefits of Colloidal Silver Water. You drink it like water, it tastes like water, and you can apply it topically. The colloidal silver particles destroy harmful bacteria, fungi, molds and single-cell microscopic parasite stages upon contact. Pain, often caused by bacteria, can be relieved without prescription drugs, antibiotics or chemical products that often have many contraindications. Gargle and swish Colloidal Silver to kill bacteria in the mouth and on the gums, then then go ahead and swallow the solution for internal benefits. Externally, you can spray Colloidal Silver Water into your eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth, feet, skin, and your face for a nice glow. It kills bacteria and fungus, externally and internally.

Colloidal silver is a solution of extremely fine sub-microscopic particles of pure silver suspended in water by a positive electrical charge on each particle. The particles remain suspended throughout the solution because these positive-charged particles repel each other with a greater force than gravity. Colloidal Silver is a powerful germicide. Silver is an exceptional metal in that it is nontoxic to the human body, but lethal to over 650 disease-causing bacteria, fungi and molds; while pharmaceutical antibiotics are typically effective against only 6 to 7 bacteria. Some new strains of bacteria have proven to be resistant to all antibiotics, but not to colloidal silver. Extensive research into the curative properties of silver has been conducted for many years at the Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse University, NY. CLICK HERE to read comments about Colloidal Silver from several health professionals and organizations.

Common sense disclaimer: Before deciding on colloidal silver, everyone is advised to consult their doctor for safety. Its benefits and risks should be weighed properly prior to consuming it for any of the benefits mentioned below. 

Do an internet search on the benefits and usage of Colloidal Silver. If you decide to try it out, you may want to consider purchasing your own Colloidal Silver Generator, because it can be pricey to buy it from the store all the time.

There are many options for purchasing a silver generator on the internet. After much personal research I purchased the Silver-gen SG6 unit. If you want to start with an economy generator, I feel the one listed below is the best value at $26. This is only my personal opinion. I am not affiliated with these companies in any way and do not receive any compensation. 

GNC SILVER BIOTICS® IMMUNE SUPPORT 32 oz. bottle @ 54.99 https://www.gnc.com/

You can purchase pre-made colloidal silver at most health supplement stores, or you can make it for just the cost of buying distilled water after purchasing your own. ‘Silver Generator.’

Silver-Gen SG6 Automatic Generator $229.00 http://www.silvergen.com/shop/
SG6 Automatic Shutoff Generator with built in stirring motor to prevent agglomeration. Look no further. This is the best LVDC generator you will find available in the world. No other generators have a stirring motor, a constant current regulator, automatic shutoff and variable PPM control. This generator attaches to any standard mouth glass jar. The stirring motor and constant current are what really makes a difference. The silver atoms are separated as they leave the electrode and form a dense ionic cloud. By dispersing the atoms as they are being released, no agglomeration occurs, and the result is clear CS of the smallest particle size. It also has polarity reversing so the electrodes do not need to be cleaned between batches.

Economy Colloidal Silver Generator $26.00 https://www.colloidalsilver-supply.com/cosige2.html
This economical Colloidal Silver Generator is a very inexpensive way to make colloidal silver in any location. This unit comes with wires that have alligator clips on each end. A current limiting resistor is inline on the positive wire to minimize particle size. The piece of plexi glass holds two 6″ 12-gauge 99.99% pure silver wires. All you need is a clean glass jar, distilled water, and 3 9V batteries and you are ready to make colloidal silver. You should be able to make a batch in about 2-3 hours. Make colloidal silver at home or on the go.

The information I have shared here can make a big difference in your family’s health-care regimen if you will put this knowledge to use. It could make all the difference if something happens while you may be travelling hours away from the nearest emergency care. Always pack a First-Aid kit with you and learn basic life-saving skills. But, put this information in your memory bank and it may come in handy. Watch this week’s video: Energy Healing Hacks for Emergencies Part 1 and get the training to learn to do this for yourself. Look for Part 2 in this series next week.