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We live in a world where we are hustled and bustled around feeling as though we do not have time to really “smell the roses”. Yet we wonder why we feel Overwhelmed or Stressed out on a regular basis. There is always a list of things that we should be doing and places where we need to be, right? So how do we balance it all and feel as though we are not going crazy? It has been proven repeatedly how Gratitude is the way to Abundance and that true happiness is a direct product of having Gratitude. So, obviously Gratitude is the Key!

If we truly want to live happy lives, gratitude at all levels becomes the key that we should live by. I love what John F. Kennedy said: As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. This is so true! In order for us to really realize the complete fullness of Gratitude it must be in our actions and all that we do, not just in our words. Words can be so shallow and we have all been around “that person” who professes to have gratitude, yet is griping and moaning every time you turn around. They are the first to find fault and the last to embrace giving and serving.

What I have found is that Gratitude is best described as being Thankful but it is also your complete Attitude. It is a Belief and an Action.

It does not come easily until you have made the Decision about it and decided that you truly want happiness to be your focus and that you want to learn and grow from the things that you face on a daily basis. Then, it becomes easier. What we focus on is what we create more of in our lives, so that means if we focus on the Negative, we get more negative, but if we focus on the Positive, we get more positive. When we focus on being grateful, we have more to be grateful for. When we focus on how to find the gratitude in our everyday life and even those things that are challenging, we find that we have additional strength and that we are blessed beyond measure.

I teach others a concept that Iwould like you to consider. Generic Gratitude to me is when we are grateful for the ordinary things in our lives, or maybe I should call them our comforts in life. For example; a roof over your head, a warm comfy bed to sleep in and an abundance of food to eat. Perhaps you are grateful for a good job, great clothes, jewelry, hot water and your family or your spouse and children. We are grateful for rain, sun and our beautiful world. I am even Grateful for all of my many Shoes!! While we must be grateful for all of this and then some, in fact, the list could go on forever. I want you to know that it is very important to have Generic Gratitude. We are a blessed Nation. As a people we have more than over 80% of the world. Yet we always want more, right? Without Gratitude for what we have right now, we will not be able to attract more. So, make sure that you have Gratitude in all things. These things are easy to have gratitude for and so easily that we sometimes take them for granted. 

Now, I want you to consider what I call Genuine Gratitude. This is much tougher to be grateful for. This comes when we are truly grateful for the Trials and Challenges in our life. CRAZY, right? NO! When we are truly grateful for our struggles through challenges and trials and are open to learning the lessons being taught we grow. We will learn and grow so much faster if we will be grateful for our tough times. These times are here to teach us and if we will embrace it, learn from it, and be grateful, truly grateful, our trials will not be such a burden. It is when we will embrace our struggles, look outside of ourselves and see what others are suffering from, that is when we realize that everyone is going through tough things and we are all handling it at different levels. So, my challenge to you if to learn how to have Genuine Gratitude for your trials just as you would your blessings and fully embrace happiness for yourself, even amidst your toughest times. I have lived it both ways, and what I have found is that when you have Gratitude while struggling through difficulties your life becomes blessed. Others will reach out to you and assist you and you will find that the perfect things start to surround you. When you have gratitude, Others see your value and step up for you in ways you never thought possible.

I found this quote that I find so true: At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. –Albert Schwitzer

I am so Grateful for so many things. But I would like to take a moment to tell you about someone that I feel takes Gratitude to a new level. She is a remarkable person that I absolutely love! I recently met her and I have been AMAZED at all she is about and all she stands for. I have embraced her cause and what she is about and had her be my very first interview on my on-line TV @ AllThingsPossible.TV. Her name is Shaylee Hatch. She is from Idaho and she is the Founder and CEO for the non-profit organization called: The Temporary Home Foundation. Their website is: www.thetemporaryhomefoundation.org This has specifically been created for those children in foster care. As they turn 18, they are then aged out of foster care and placed basically on the street. Yes, Homeless. She has embraced this cause and is changing the way this is world wide. She needs your assistance to raise funds and to create a way to provide the necessary housing and facilities for these 18 year old kids.

  Here is the catch, SHE IS ONLY 20 YEARS OLD!! SHE IS INCREDIBLE!! Our interview with her goes live on NOVEMBER 28TH, yes, Thanksgiving Day. Please go to: www.allthingspossible.tv and watch her interview. It will amaze you! We talk about her earlier accomplishments that put her in a book and has her serving and speaking all over like New York and Atlanta! Don’t miss the opportunity to jump on board and see what a remarkable person Shaylee Hatch is. She raises the Bar for all of us!! Thank you for joining me! Don’t forget to check out the interview with Shaylee Hatch at: www.allthingspossible.tv With Light, Love & Abundance, Kris Barney [email protected]