801.449.0130 [email protected]

I strengthen and empower others to believe in themselves, balance their life and get through difficult things. What I have found is that most of the people I work with tell themselves negative things that we would Never say to a friend, or even our Enemy. You can hear it all the time. All you have to do is listen to someone for just a few minutes and they will begin telling you all of the negative things about them or the areas that they feel they fall short. Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves? We are our own worst critic. Yet, most people are fine to allow us to do that to ourselves. It is amazing that we are ok with it! What I can tell you is, “It is NOT OK!”

When we allow our self to believe the negative things that other people may say, it holds us back from being all that we can be. What do you think it does to us when we believe the things that we say to ourselves? We must believe in ourselves completely, and know that we are Enough!

It is imperative that we tell ourselves positive things. What has been proven repeatedly is that our own subconscious believes our own voice more than anyone else’s voice. It will do everything in its power to make us right. So when we tell ourselves things like, “I am fat”, our subconscious does everything it can to make us right. Then we are surprised when we gain weight, right? How crazy is that!

In our life we are at choice. Every day we choose hundreds, if not thousands, of choices. We get to be conscious of the choices we are choosing and the things we are saying if we want our lives to be the best that they can be.

Besides our self-talk, there are many things that we can do for ourselves that will build ourselves up rather than tear us down. Any time we can build ourselves rather than tear down ourselves it will create belief, value and love. Those are only a few things that it will do. How would you feel if you had more belief in yourself, or have a higher value of you, or even loved yourself unconditionally?

Make the decision to live above the influence. This is about being true to you. To be true to yourself you must give yourself the gifts that will make the biggest difference in you.

I created this episode below called, “Three Gifts We Must Give Ourselves;” I would love for you to watch it. You will find that it can be very easy to give these gifts to ourselves, yet a lot of us will not take the time to do it. I know that we deserve to have these gifts for us at all times. These simple yet profound gifts can give us belief in our self, improved energy and power, and create better balance for us in our lives. When these three gifts are put in place and followed, you will have more happiness, peace and abundance. So, take the time to watch this and implement a few simple things in your life to have dramatic results!