Back to School, Back in Gear!

Can You Believe it? Summer is on its way out and we are headed into Fall.

Summer is a time for FUN. There is laughter in theBeautiful sunrays air and excitement as we plan vacations, reunions, camping trips, days on the beach and water games in the sun! We spend time with family and friends going to those activities at the water park, date nights at the outdoor concerts, excitement at the drag races, horse shows, rodeos, parades, sporting events and boating trips. We celebrate our freedoms and set off Fireworks every time we possibly can. We have BBQ’s, game nights and even gaze at the stars. We play to our hearts content and create memories to last a lifetime!

Yet, now is a time of Back to School with the kiddos and getting back into regular routines of earlier bedtimes and alarm clocks in the morning. We begin to pay more attention to what time we are having meals and how nutricious those meals are. After all, we want our children to have all the brain food they need to do as well as possible. We must have our children prepared to attend the new year and new grade with new clothing, shoes, back packs and school supplies, right?back2school

Maybe you are a college student and you are heading back into a rigid schedule. You would want to adjust those late nights and perhaps the all-nighters to be at your best for sure! New habits are planned out with precision for home work times, work schedules and study groups so that you are extremely successful.

What we get to pay close attention to is as we get everyone back into the routine, we place a great focus on making sure that we also get ourselves into Gear! So many times we place ourselves last on the list and somehow forget that we too get to make sure that we are “ready” for the next step in our lives.

  • headgearsWe seriously need to wrap our head around also preparing ourselves togears get “Back into Gear” for our next year, our new grade or new season. Sometimes we fail to plan and when we do, we plan to fail. What we do to create order and a routine for ourselves will create more freedom and less stress in our schedules. Getting ourselves “Back into Gear” does take effort and planning, but the rewards are astounding! Let’s all prepare to get back in gear like we did for our children or perhaps for ourselves when we prepared to go back to school. Plan the details right down to the outfit and hairdo. As funny as that sounds, there is not a person out there that did not plan out the first day of school for the next grade. Here are some areas to consider and plan out:
  • An exercise plan (or lack thereof).
  • Your focus on what we want to accomplish (our goals).
  • Organization & Planning (or lack thereof).
  • Your daily routine and how to keep it from getting overwhelming and stressful. Balancing family, work, & schedules etc.
  • Your Health…including our diet and nutrition. For you and our family.
  • Relationships & Spirituality.
  • Gratitude for the opportunity that you have had to have a fun filled Summer and go into a fabulous Fall with great intent and a sense of wellbeing.sunflowerbouquet

That is just a few of the areas that I suggest you look at. I could list many more. I would encourage you to take a good look at your life and the new season that is upon you. Decide where you can take action and what you can do to create the best season in your life thus far. It seriously is a choice. Make the decision that you want to create order in your life and take action. I teach these principles almost daily to those that I mentor and train. We must choose for ourselves what we want and create a way for it to happen through our committed action and real intent. Life is a choice. You make your choices every day, hundreds of times a day. So, choose wisely and enjoy the journey!

If you feel that you would benefit from a Mentor that can project you forward to new levels, assist you to get organized and free yourself of stress and frustration, I am here for you!! I am creating a group of ten women to participate in my six week program called “Seven Steps to Create All Things Possible for You!” This will be starting in October and be completed before Thanksgiving. KB_Web_HomeImage_color1Space is limited to ten and some of those spots are filled already, so do not delay if this is for you. I only do this training two or three times a year. My clients that have participated & completed this program have had phenomenal success! If you are interested and would like more information, send an e-mail to me at [email protected]. Give me your info and state that you are interested in the Seven step program and I will get you more information and testimonials about the program. You can also receive three hours of free training and get my “Six Traits to All Things Possible” by opting in on this page on the right hand side. Join me for a weekly newsletter packed with fantastic nuggets of information and real life stories and experiences. Thanks for joining me! I look forward to serving you!!

May we all get BACK IN GEAR as we settle into Fall and reminisce on our happy memories from our Summer of a lifetime!

“It’s the little things that we do on a consistent basis that make the biggest changes in our lives.” —-Kris Barney
















































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