801.449.0130 [email protected]

The Grudge Hook

Forgiveness is one of the highest expressions of love. Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. I have found that one thing that keeps us from forgiving others is the belief that we are not the one who receives the benefit of forgiveness. We tend to think of forgiving…

Bring It!

“Do you know what the difference is between a Hero and a Coward? They both know what needs to be done. They are both scared. Neither of them wants to do it. But the Hero does it anyway.” Have you ever had a time in your life when you were challenged to…

Nobody Can Fix You!

It seems like these days that everywhere you turn, someone wants to Fix You, Right? Maybe you have found yourself watching that info-mercial late at night that promises to fix you or that “new and improved” faster than ever diet plan that guarantees to be…