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Back in 1960 Chubby Checker came out with a number one hit record. It was called “The Twist”. It is a song still known to this day by almost all. There was a dance also known as the twist at the time but became well known because of Chubby Checkers song, “The Twist”.

Many of us over the years have had a fabulous time doing this dance or pretending to know how to do this dance. You can often find yourself in a completely different frame of mind and right smack in the middle of fabulous fun times had by all when even thinking of the memories that have been created over the last 50 years that “The Twist” has been around.

I would like to share with you the HUGE experience that I had a few days ago. I get there are times I am pretty TRANSPARENT on my Blog of Possibilities and when I send out newsletters or e-mails, but I feel that the more authentic, honest & real I am with you, the more authentic, honest and real you can be with all of the people you have in your life. This next part is how I just did “The Twist” and really shook things up.

My twin brother, Kirk Brady, died at the age of 33 from committing Suicide. He left a wife and four children, three boys, ages 9, 7 and 3, and a baby girl that was only one year old when he died. As difficult as it has been for me to go through, it has been nothing compared to what this little family has faced.

February 8th, 2013 was the 14th Anniversary of Kirk’s death. For the past 14 years this has been a very difficult day for me, my parents & siblings, and especially his wife and children. Some years have been better than others, but for the most part this day has been one I dreaded more than any other day all year. They say that time makes it easier, and for the most part it does…at least until a couple years ago when I took in his youngest son.

We became Foster parents to the boy that was three when his father died, but was 15 when we allowed him to come live with us two years ago. He is over six feet tall and about 200 pounds. He had a police record, had been kicked out of school for fighting, had almost no high school class credits and also suffered from Aspergers Syndrome (A form of Autism). I get you are seeing the picture pretty clearly. This child has NOT had it easy. His story is filled with heart ache and difficulties. We as a family took him in to Love him and teach him…..which we did, and he taught us that he is just a big teddy bear and wanted to feel loved. By having this child in my home and loving him as our own, it became very clear what he was really missing and that was his father…..my brother. That is why the weight of this day became even harder the last couple of years, because I know how different things would have been if he were still alive.

I had prepared myself for this day….way too much to do and not enough time to do it in. The perfect plan to not really feel the pain that I knew would be inevitable! BUT…then I got out of bed. Opened Facebook and saw my little brother on Chat…..before I knew it, I had “Done the Twist”, and completely changing my schedule and plans! Within minutes we had planned a family lunch date and invited all of the extended family. This way we all got to spend the day together!

Lunch was fabulous with almost all of my siblings and my parents. That was the start of the change. After lunch I headed home and made a decision that I was not going to spend the day in depression and sadness. I made the decision to “Do the Twist” and change it up and do something good, find a way to add value rather than depression.


As I got home, I had decided of a way to do just that….Add Value. I got on Facebook and posted a new comment asking for anyone that remembered my brother to please post stories and qualities that they remembered about him that could be shared with his children, because they truly do not know him. They were way too young when he died. What I found, was the support of family & friends on Facebook and all kinds of fun stories and qualities that my brother had. I went from an overwhelming day of tears, sadness, heartache, and regrets to laughter, joy and precious memories galore! Not to mention that I now have fun things for his kids to know more about who their dad was.

The Lesson in this is….How many times in our lives can we just “Do the Twist?” Just shake it up…..Let go of the space you are in and have some fun!! Switch it up and make a change. It truly can be simple and easy. The Value that I was able to add was unbelievable! My whole day was changed!! I know that yours can be too when you are faced with tough things.

I hope that you can see a way that you can add “Doing the Twist” into your life and that when the going gets tough…..The Tough are “Doing the Twist!”

I would also like to invite you to go to my website @ www.allthingspossible.biz and go to the “Free Training Tab” and you can get 3 full hours of training as well as my 6 Traits to create All Things Possible!

With Light, Love & Abundance,

Kris Barney