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Are you looking for solutions to help your loved ones or yourself? If you or those you care about are struggling with health or emotional challenges and have not found satisfaction via conventional methods –– The Practice of Energy Medicine could provide the answers. If you have been thinking that you’d like to learn Energy Healing for yourself – this could be your solution. CLICK HERE to check out this week’s video for more information on how you can Learn the Art of Energy Healing.

I remember the first time I was exposed to Natural/Alternative methods of Healing. The summer of 1975 is the first time I was introduced to this strange concept of Energy Medicine. My father had chronic back problems and my mother began looking for a better alternative to multiple operations and the constant need for pain medication. Thus, began my interest and passion with discovering and learning diverse alternative methods of healing.

Throughout the years I have studied dozens of books, attended over 1,300 hours of seminars and training in several different methods of healing. I have received certifications from Dr. Bradley Nelson in both the Emotion Code® and Body Code®. I have received certifications from Dr. Jerry Tennent Scenar® healing and Jose Silva Method® as well as many others. I specialize in 24 different modalities and processes of Energy Medicine. Six of those techniques and processes I have personally developed over the years.

I’ve known for many years that part of my purpose is to share the gift of healing with others. Have you felt that feeling you get when are in the perfect place doing exactly the right thing? I first felt that as a missionary in South America. I knew I was doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. Well that’s how I feel when doing Energy work. It is so gratifying to start working with someone who comes to me with the weight of the world on their shoulders; some are broken hearted, they are overcome many times with both physical and emotional pain.

Can you imagine the feeling of witnessing the healing of such a person? Can you imagine what it’s like to be part of a miracle? Can you imagine the feeling of doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons? Please take a moment and stop reading. Just imagine what it would feel like…

Doing Energy Work is part of my mission and my purpose in this life. Have you discovered your mission and purpose? If you have, then you will totally resonate with the feelings I have been talking about. Until a person finds their unique mission and purpose, it’s like trying to put together a puzzle that has missing pieces.

I believe there is a great shift taking place on this planet. I talk to so many people who feel drawn to learn more about Energy Medicine. Have you ever said, “I feel like I’m supposed to do this, but I’m just not sure where to start or what to do next”? I first had that impression as a teenager. It has been quite a journey over the past 40 years and I feel like we’ve only just begun.

It’s time to heal this world. It will take countless Energy Workers working to heal the hearts of the wounded and the weary. Are you ready to join with me in healing the world one person at a time? CLICK HERE to check out this week’s video for more information on how you can Learn the Art of Energy Healing.

Over three years ago I created a 12-week training called ‘The Healers Journey Course in Energy Medicine’ I have redesigned and improved the course. I am still teaching everything in the original course, but I’ve added even more content and modalities of Energy Medicine. The new course is called Precepts of Light Course in Energy Medicine, to reflect the updates and changes.

One of the significant changes with the new course, is that I am putting less emphasis on referring to the Practice of Energy Medicine as ‘Energy Healing.’ You may want to read my previous post titled, Confessions of an Energy Healer. My main reason for this change is about the ego and how it can be counter-productive in Energy Work. When a person says, “I am a Healer and I just healed that person. Their life is changed because of my Energy Healing”– pride starts to creep into the psyche. The highest emotions one can hold while doing Energy Work are Unconditional Love and Gratitude. This seemingly insignificant name change makes a lot of difference in the long run.

I believe the Practice of Energy Medicine should be simple. I believe we knew much about this work before we came to this earth. I believe it is simply a matter of remembering what we have forgotten. One can spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to master a single Healing modality. Believe me it is totally worth the investment of your time and money.

Over the years, I have found several simple techniques and tips that are easy to learn. Most people can learn these modalities and techniques in less than 30 minutes without buying into an expensive program. You will get better as you practice, but these are so simple you can start using them immediately and even teach your children to do them. The best part is that even if you do everything wrong, the worst thing that can happen is the person won’t feel any better when you’re done. (Kind of how I feel when I go to the Doctor sometimes. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ )

CLICK HERE to check out this week’s video for more information on how you can Learn the Art of Energy Healing. I am proud to introduce you to my “Precepts of Light, Course in Energy Medicine” which includes personalized clearing and mentoring with me. My intention is to give each course participant multiple healing tools, so they can be a greater blessing to the people they work with. Through the personal clearing, restoration and mentoring, I assist you to find your unique gifts and talents and fulfill your purpose.

You might want to learn Energy Medicine to work on yourself and your family or you may want to start or grow your own professional Healing Practice. You may be an experienced Practitioner of Energy Medicine, looking to add healing methods to what you already know. Either way this course is the perfect way to add to your ‘tool box.’

Those who take and complete this course will receive a Certificate of Achievement from Bill Barney and All Things Possible Inc. This beautiful certificate will give you credibility and validation.

My purpose in creating this training course is to share what I have learned over the past 40 years of learning everything I could about Energy Work. I love to teach and empower others to become Practitioners of Energy Medicine. I have worked with many people who were just trying to get started and many who were accomplished and certified Energy workers. Following are just a few of the comments from others who have trained with me:

In the very first lesson with Bill, I felt connected to the spirit and my angels who were there helping me. As a healer, he helped me to see how to incorporate my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Angels more effectively in my work. He introduced me to new techniques and processes from his own information gathered over the years. I’m grateful for these tools because I find myself more likely to trust that I am merely an instrument in the Lord’s hands, not the other way around. If you are looking for new perspective and techniques, I highly recommend working with Bill. He’s personable and filled with so much love, he makes it easy to learn and helps you to want to grow in your gifts. -Gelana Raeder

There are some things that you can’t get from reading. As a professional Healer with certifications in Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Breath Work, Light Therapy and Zonology I have spent my life reading and learning techniques and procedures to help people overcome trauma, phobias and really anything that they want to change in their lives, but like I said there are some things that you can’t get from reading and it takes hands on experience and explanation. Bill Barney was the key to getting those things that I was missing from my years of study. It was amazing how fast Bill was able to put simple techniques and tools into my hands to help others. Bill is one of those people who genuinely cares about others and their process and healing and wants others to have to tools and techniques to truly heal. As a veteran and the owner/creator of Warrior Healing, I have found Bill’s instruction to be the key to not only my practice but also my own healing. My only regret in working with Bill is that I didn’t find him sooner.

-Michael Allan

I met Bill at an energy healing conference in Utah and was immediately drawn to him as I walked by his booth. I introduced myself and with my permission, he gave me some quick insights as to some things he was seeing in my energy field. I knew right away that he was intuitive and knowledgeable and very sincere in wanting to help others so I set up some sessions to do some work with him on the phone. In addition to helping me clear some more trapped emotions, he shared some of the healing modalities that he works with and gave me information about how to use some of the ones I had been recently introduced to. Bill showed me how to work with the “Emotion code” and the “Healing code”, as well as other modalities that I have worked with for a long time. As an Intuitive Healer and Reiki master myself, I have found Bill to be very generous in sharing his knowledge and tips about these modalities and others. He taught me to use muscle testing as a more effective means of finding the root causes. He has become a mentor to me and I also continue to work with him in some of my own emotional release work. I am extremely choosy about who I allow to work with me on an energetic level and Bill is the real deal. — Denise Nygard

I encourage you to check out this week’s episode; Learn the Art of Energy Healing with Bill Barney. Also, check out more about the Precepts of Light Course in Energy Medicine. This is a limited time offer and limited space available! You do not want to miss out on your opportunity to jump in NOW and learn and glean all you can in this program! Here are the details:

Six online trainings where you will learn…

  • Grounding and Protection, so you don’t deplete your own energy or pick up your client’s junk
  • Clearing yourself and your clients of foreign energy and entities
  • Simple Muscle testing techniques to access your intuition with confidence and clarity
  • How to access and tune into all five senses of your higher intuition
  • Working with Angels and the Divine
  • 14 different healing techniques that can release years of emotional trauma and pain in moments
  • Gain 18 different tools and techniques to add to your “Healer’s Toolbox”

Six Personal Training/Clearing Sessions with Bill where you will…

  • Work with Bill to heal physical challenges you are facing as well as emotional pain and trauma that you are currently experiencing or have experienced in the past
  • Gain clarity on the Clearing Modalities and Techniques best suited to your unique gifts and energy
  • Discover hidden blocks and negative programming that are standing in the way of you becoming the Healer you came here to be
  • Release your Heartwall and other hidden energies that are holding you back from your full potential
  • Heal your negative programming, beliefs and energies inherited from your ancestors
  • Clear sub-conscious and generational blockages to Prosperity and Abundance
  • Get personalized training from Bill that will propel you forward along Your Healer’s Journey